Privacy, in 10 years halved requests for information and doubled complaints

The data of the publication published by Federprivacy and edited by Antonio Ciccia Messina on the activity of the Guarantor, which examines the sector data starting from 2011. The author: "The season of 'depends' is now at sunset as a non-answer to the thousand doubts about data protection" 24 Jun 2022 A. S.

The requests for information submitted to the Public Relations Office of the Privacy Guarantor have more than halved in a decade: in 2011 there were 31,921, to become 15,040 in 2020. In contrast, reports and complaints doubled, from 4,279 to 9,665 over the same period. These are the main evidences that emerge from the volume "Risposte Privacy",, presented today, edited by Antonio Ciccia Messina and with the preface by Baldo Meo, published by Federprivacy. In essence, the association explains in a note, the interested parties – whether they are people, consumers or users – formulate fewer questions and trigger more control and sanctioning procedures. "This highlights that the level of litigation or pre-litigation – highlights Fesderprivacy – is related to the degree of responses that the system (public authorities, professionals, associations and civil society) is able to give on doubts related to the application of the privacy law". If on the one hand the fact that with the application of privacy legislation there is more clarity, and that this could pave the way for a decrease in litigation, on the other hand there remains the risk of an increase in litigation, with the consequent costs for individuals, companies and for the country system. Precisely the reduction of possible litigation is the objective of the volume just published. The work collects and organizes 333 provisions of the Guarantor adopted in the three-year period 2019-2021, drawing a series of rules ready to be applied. In 40.9% of cases, the measures concern public administrations, then information society service providers (13.4%), while 10.5% concern issues that have a general value and that translate into advice and suggestions useful to all data controllers, private subjects and public bodies. More than a third of the maximum, moreover, to be exact 32.4%, is on the subject of the security of personal data: 46 general provisions on security, 31 data breaches, 20 privacy impact assessments (Dpia) and 11 preventive consultation, therefore requests to the Guarantor in cases of greater risk for people. "Risposte Privacy is an editorial experience that has only news and no opinion, and that presents 333 cards of the decisions of the Privacy Guarantor ready to use – explains Antonio Ciccia Messina – Everyone, from experts in the sector to ordinary people, from the professional to the public body, from the company to the association, need certain solutions that are there and are just waiting to be discovered. The season of "depends" as a non-answer to the thousand doubts about privacy is now at sunset". "This publication – underlines Nicola Bernardi, president of Federprivacy – is part of the initiatives aimed at growing and strengthening the culture and practice of privacy in the globalized and virtual panorama of the third millennium".