Cyber security under attack, mobile scams are advancing by Redazione written on 14 March 2022

Clusit report: scams and cyber attacks on the rise, malware at the top of the rankings, in Italy there is a boom in fraud via SMS or messaging App. In 2021, cyber attacks have increased and become even more sophisticated, with increasingly significant economic and social impacts. The usual Clusit Report (Italian association for computer security) presented in recent days draws a gloomy picture of organized crime specialized in this field, which last year launched a fifth of its attacks on Europe (21%, against 16% of the previous year). 79% of the attacks detected had a "high" impact, compared to 50% last year. In detail, 32% was characterized by a "critical" severity and 47% "high".

How to avoid cyber traps and scams February 8, 2022 86% of cases are cybercrime (+ 16% in absolute terms), more and more often with targeted attacks: in first place is the government / military objective followed by the IT sector. There is no lack of multiple goals and even health care, followed by education. Hackers are starting to target all sectors more evenly than in the past, but more selectively. Malware (malicious programs for networks and data) and ransomware (malware that blocks computers with a ransom note) are now the most used tools (in 41% of cases) by cybercriminals to carry out cyber crimes for profit. In 21% of attacks, on the other hand, personal data breaches are used, in 16% already known vulnerabilities and finally, in 10% of cases, fraud perpetrated through phishing / social engineering. => IT security in outsourcing: solutions for SMEs In Italy, based on the surveys carried out by Fastweb on the most significant cyber-crime phenomena and IT incidents (and included in the Clusit Report), a similar growth trend is confirmed. On a network infrastructure that hosts over 6.5 million public IP addresses, over 42 million events (+ 16%) were recorded. Particularly noteworthy are malware and botnet attacks (computer networks infected with malicious software), with the number of compromised servers and devices increasing by 58%. There was no shortage of threats to email services via malicious links (87% of the total, an increase of 11% compared to the previous year) and SMS scams that carry transmitted malware (smishing, i.e. phishing via SMS). In Mobile, there is the presence in the top positions of FluBot, a malware for Android devices that is distributed through phishing links shared via SMS or messaging app, hitting the Finance / Insurance, Public Administration and Industry sectors (from 7% in 2020 to 18% in 2021).
